Robert Service School - Our School and Classroom Rules
Three basic rules that all students are responsible for upholding:
BE READY FOR LEARNING - Be in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing.
Attend school on a daily basis.
Arrive on time, with all the books and equipment needed for the whole day.
Do not leave the school or classroom without staff permission.
When absent from a class contact the teacher before the next lesson to find out what work was missed and make arrangements to complete the missed work.
RESPECT YOURSELF AND OTHERS - Treat others as you would like to be treated.
All instructions by staff are to be respected unless such instructions directly threaten your personal safety or the safety of others.
If there is a concern with the directions or instructions given to you by a staff member, arrange a mutually convenient time to discuss your concerns.
Do not argue or talk back.
Do not distract other students with excessive talking, movement in and out of the classroom, or similar behaviours that can disturb the learning and teaching environment.
There is no tolerance for rudeness, fighting, bullying, threatening, or aggressive behaviours.
Plagiarism is an unacceptable practice. Plagiarism can include a variety of forms: cheating on a test, copying another student’s homework or assignments, and copying or borrowing of materials from a book, article, internet or other published source without proper recognition
DO YOUR BEST - Success is the result of effort, smart choices, and motivation.
Doing your best means taking action because you want to succeed.
Do not give up. Learn from your mistakes. Learning from your mistakes means you look honestly at the results and keep practicing until you get it right.
If you need help it is expected that you will ask for it and receive it, however, only after trying your best.