Allow us to introduce the Robert Service School Council for the 2024-25 school year. Each person involved in school council has an interest in education and a desire to help the school achieve the very best outcome for all students.
School Council can support caregivers to work in cooperation with the school system. We want to help caregivers connect with the school and offer them another avenue to participate in their child’s education.
The powers of a school council come from the Yukon Education Act. Working in partnership with Helen McCullough as principal, and Ashley Bower-Bramadat as Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in Education Manager, these duties and powers include: reviewing school growth plans and school-based policies, as well as principal hires and performance evaluations. School council is also asked to advise on the school calendars, staffing needs, renovations, programming, and policies.
Your school council takes matters of privacy very seriously. Each member is bound by an oath of confidentiality and must not reveal personal information about staff or students.
If there is an issue that you would like school council to discuss and address, please reach out to us confidentially by email: [email protected]. We will respond to your request and work to understand and address any concerns you might have.
Members of School Council: Molly MacDonald Shirely Paraluman John McDonald Lisa Perry Brenda Butterworth-Carr Jody Beaumont Brent McDonald